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Apple Flower This flower is white and trumpet-shaped and very beautiful. It resembles the fruit of western flowers. It has a bright color and it has the effect of supplementing blood or relieve neuralgia, blood and eyesight, and acne whitening. Appropriate match: Apple blossoms, roses, orange blossom, three kinds of flowers with tea, unique taste, blood can be blood circulation, conditioning blood gas, but also to ease depression, regulate endocrine and nourish the effect of the uterus, frequent menstrual pain may wish to drink more.

Apple is a perennial tree of the Rosaceae family. Apple blossom is an annual weed belonging to the families Solanaceae and Rosaceae. It is a white trumpet, and it is particularly fond of growing in a warm place.

Calendar editing
Since ancient times, Christianity has had the habit of linking the saints with specific flowers. This is because when the church commemorated the saints, it was often caused by the blooming flowers that adorned the altar! In medieval Catholic convents, there are gardening centers that grow a variety of flowers. Over time, the church combined 366 days of sage with different flowers to form a so-called calendar. At the time most of the monasteries were located in southern Europe, while southern Europe was a Mediterranean climate, ideal for planting flowers and grass.

Flower editor
This flower is white and trumpet-shaped and very beautiful. It resembles the fruit of Western flowers and makes one think of it. However, this is its trap because it is poisonous. The flower language of this flower is a "trap." Those who were born with this blessing from the flower appear to be loyal and honest in appearance, but in fact they are quite spiky, that is, their mouths are poisonous. Too close to be easily hurt, only talented people will think that your pungency is interesting.

Effect function editing
Sun Sze-jung of the Tang Dynasty once said that Pingguo Huafu had "yi yi qi" and Yuan Sihui believed that it could "throw away thirst"; Wang Shixiong, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said that he had "Effectiveness of lungs, appetite, and soberness" and other effects.
Tea Matching
Apple Blossom + Rose Mantra Tincture Blood Acne Whitening effect, slightly bitter taste, can be added to drink honey, taste better.
The effect of apple blossom tea
1, apple tea has Runyu Yuexin, Sheng Jin appetizers, sober up "and other effects.
2, apple flower tea can prevent high blood pressure, and apple phenol can also inhibit allergic reactions, have a certain degree of anti-allergic effects.
3, apple tea has a bloody eyesight, detoxification, treatment of neuralgia, acne whitening effect.
4, Apple tea has a solution of neuralgia, liver spots, eyesight treatment of dark spots, facial paralysis, acne, beauty, to help digestion, strong liver and blood circulation, stomach and intestinal function