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  • 售價: $140
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金



Lemon Hydrosol, also known as lemonade oil, is made after the separation of oil and water during the extraction of lemon essential oil. Lemon Hydrosol is dissolved in water and has the functions of hydrating, moisturizing, whitening, rapid anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antipruritic, and anti-aging effects.

Hydrosol, also known as water essential oil, refers to the water left in the distillation process of essential oils. It is a by-product of essential oils. It is a 100% saturated pure dew that is extracted during the process of extracting essential oils. The ingredients are pure and natural. Light and pleasant. In the distilled oil solution, some water will remain, because the density will be different, the essential oil will float on top, and the water will settle in the bottom. This water is called pure dew. Pure Neutral contains trace amounts of acids and lipids. The chemical structure is different from that of pure water, which is helpful for body conditioning. In addition to trace amounts of essential oils, pure dew also contains water-soluble substances in many plants. These are all things that are lacking in essential oils.

Extraction process editing
Lemon pure water is extracted from the essence distilled in the process of extracting essential oils. Fresh or dried lemons are placed in a steam hot-melt furnace. Water vapor is used to carry volatile aromatic lemon essential oils to form water containing essential oils. In the vapor state, it passes through the conduit of the freezer and condenses to a liquid state with a temperature difference, thereby separating the pure dew. Pure dew contains a variety of precious ingredients in lemon, and contains about 0.3% to 0.5% of the water-soluble components of essential oils, so it still retains the aroma of the essential oils, some of the efficacy and mild antibacterial properties, and contains essential oils of plant extracts ( Such as tannic acid and flavonoids, so that the pure exposed skin conditioning effect, its low concentration characteristics make it more easily absorbed by the skin.

Efficacy editing
Lemon Hydrosol is rich in vitamins, which can effectively prevent and eliminate skin pigmentation, leaving skin whitening and shiny. Rich in organic acids, it neutralizes the alkaline surface of the skin to prevent and remove pigmentation from the skin and remove grease and dirt. At the same time there are antibacterial, softening and cleansing the skin, deep cleansing and increase facial elasticity.

Its unique fruit acid composition also softens the stratum corneum, removes old dead cells, brightens the dull complexion, improves broken microvessels, and has a cleansing effect on greasy hair.
Lemon itself can also treat mosquito bites and drive off flies. The long-term use of lemon pure water has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of mosquito bites.

Precautions Edit
When using Lemon Hydrosol, pay attention to the following two points: 1. The lemon has a certain absorbency. After applying lemon juice in the summer, it should not be exposed to the sun, otherwise it is easy to make the skin dark. Therefore, in the summer after using lemon skin care, do not go to the streets to enjoy the sun, or you can use it at night. There is no need to worry about this in spring or autumn and winter seasons. 2. Lemon Hydrosol is more suitable for oily skin and mixed skin. Rose skin is recommended for dry skin. Chamomile Hydrosol is recommended for allergic skin.