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The spearmint, pointed blade is the origin of its English common name (Spear means spear, dart gun). It can grow to 90 cm high and open purple flowers.

Latin name: (Mintaceae) Menthaspicata

Department name: Labiatae Labidae
Plant Type: Herbs
Extraction site: flowering tip, leaf
Extraction method: distillation
Volatile: fast
Attribute: Positive
Dominate the planet: Venus
Odor editing
It is similar to mint but slightly sweeter.
Appearance editing
The sharp, pointed blade is the origin of its popular English name (spear means spear and dart gun). It can grow to 90 cm high and open purple flowers. Mint plants are not as well-prepared and their properties are similar. But green mint is different from mint. It is not menthol. Spearmint is native to the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa. However, the main planting sites are the Americas, Asia and the United Kingdom.

Chemical structure editing
Alcohols - Terpenol
Sesquiterpenoids - lilac fumes
Cigarettes - limonene, myricene, water fennel
Power edit
Itching, anti-spasm, bloating, pass through, insecticide, midwifery, recovery, and motivation.
Inspire the tired mind.

Physical effect
Helps with digestive problems such as vomiting, flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea. It seems to relax stomach muscles and relieve burping and nausea. Helps reduce travel fatigue and symptoms of motion sickness. On the whole, it can be described as a supplement to the digestive organs and stimulates the appetite.
It is also said that urine can also be discharged, and kidney stones can be significantly eliminated.

Green peppermint oil
There are also some effects on the reproductive system, such as relieving breast milk and hardening. By the same token, it can also improve the excessive menstrual blood and leucorrhea. During production, it can also help production smooth. It is also good for headaches, bad breath and gum soreness.
Skin efficacy
Green mint leaves have been used to suppress itchy skin, and its essential oils can also provide a similar effect. By the same token, it is good for sores and warts on the skin.
Related myths
The ancient Greeks used green mint as an aroma supplement, which was used extensively for bathing in water. It has a reputation for treating sexually transmitted diseases (such as gonorrhea) and it also has a reputation for aphrodisiac.
After the Romans introduced it to the United Kingdom, the locals mainly used it to prevent milk from sour clots. But in the Middle Ages, spearmint became a representative drug for oral hygiene. It was used to treat gum pain and whiten teeth.

Blending essential oils
Basil, grapefruit, linden, rosemary

Precautions Edit
This essential oil will make the skin feel tingly, unless the dose is very low, otherwise it is not suitable for a full-body massage, but local massage can still be carried out.
Irritating to eyes and sensitive skin, pregnant women are disabled. The efficacy of homeopathic medicine may be eliminated, so it is not appropriate to use it together.