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In ancient times, Guanghuoxiang has had a long history of medicinal use, specializing in snake bites. Its essential oil is derived from the distillation of young leaves, which can cure scalp hair problems and help cell regeneration. Polygonum essential oil is distilled from young leaves. Before the distillation, the leaves must be dried and fermented. With a strong earthy taste, it is a wine-like essential oil, the longer the smell the better. Polygonatum essential oil is a good fixative and is an indispensable raw material in the perfumery industry. In aromatherapy, a single drop of broad-spectrum Hopson essential oil can be added to the compound essential oil to make the fragrance

Rutinol, patchene, eugenol, and juniperene. The structure of patchouliene is very similar to that of Azurol in blue chamomile and therefore has the same antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dropping a few drops of patchouli oil in the hot water of the foot can achieve the purpose of activating the meridian of the blood, and can also achieve the effect of removing beriberi and foot odor.
Chemical structure editing
Alcohols - Patchouliol
Aldehydes - Benzaldehyde, Cinnamaldehyde
History editor
Musk first appeared in European trade trade in 1862 and was then used as a spice in textiles. For perfumery, patchouli is one of the best retentive agents. In India, China and Marangsia, it is considered as an essential medicine for the family because it has excitement and refreshing effects.

Patchouli, a mint spice from the Far East, is the most intense type of scent in botanical spices. It is commonly used in Far Eastern spice waters. Its aroma is strong and long-lasting. It is a very good fragrance.
Patchouli comes from Hindustani and has a long medicinal history in Malaysia, India, Japan, and China. It can solve insect and snake bite poisons. The production of patchouli oil distilled by British Malaya was the first time for many years. During the Second World War, its status was gradually replaced by the island of Saireel, but the quality of essential oils on Sairee Island was slightly inferior to that of Malaysia. By.

The Victorian people sandwiched dried patchouli leaves in Indian-made kashmir cloths to wrap goods to prevent moths. Indians are very popular with patchouli sachets to incense drawers or to drive off locusts on beds. It is the basic spice in oriental exotic perfumes. During the period of “flower power” in Chong Street in the 1960s, patchouli and sandalwood and jasmine were the most fashionable things.

Essential Oils Overview Editor
Before distillation, the raw materials go through a drying and fermentation process. Because the camphor-like odor is very intense, the amount of fragrance used must be strictly controlled and the unique spices and rosins in the fragrance become more pronounced over time, which is the best known among perfumes. The first time he caught the attention of Europeans was in the nineteenth century, when the shawls brought by Indian merchants exude that smell and quickly became fashionable. One-third of the top perfumes use it.

Dark amber viscous liquid with a musky, earthy odor and long-lasting scent. When the odor before the taste disappears, the odor becomes sweeter, and it becomes more and more sweet as time goes by.
The scent has a refreshing and stimulant effect and is therefore known as an aphrodisiac.
The feeling of earth, plus the sweet spice, the essential oil of patchouli is like a good wine. The longer it takes, the better the effect and smell. Its earthy smell gives a sense of balance and balance, which can be used as a perfume.

Power edit
Depression, sedation, aphrodisiac, nourishing, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, promote wound healing, deodorant, insecticide and snake bite. The most prominent feature is the polymerization. The wound not only promotes wound stasis, prevents inflammation, and promotes cell metabolism.

Mental Function Editor
Balance, romance, harmony, aphrodisiac, emotions. Strengthen the central nervous system, balance frustration, refresh, relieve tension, anxiety, fatigue, lethargy, and create a sense of balance. Attractive, exciting, docile, and responsible

Skin Effects Editor
Suitable for normal skin to help reduce weight, promote skin regeneration, have a good bactericidal effect, reduce inflammation, shrink pores, tighten skin, promote wound scarring, contribute to skin relaxation caused by excessive diet, detoxification Traumatic pain. Used for scalp symptoms, acne, acne, allergies, dry skin cracking, dry footsteps and hand clothes, scars, burns, dermatitis, seborrhoea, acne, bacterial infections, pustules, eczema, psoriasis, Hong Kong feet, except smelly.

Patchouli is a perennial aromatic herb or semi-shrub plant. Its medicinal history is long. Patchouli oil is distilled from young leaves. It has a strong earthy taste. It is a kind of essential oil like wine. The better. It can help cell regeneration, is also a good fixative and is one of the essential ingredients in perfumes.
Patchouli essential oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, detoxifying, diuretic, polymeric wounds to promote rapid scarring and promote cell metabolism. He applies to the general skin, can promote skin regeneration, reduce inflammation, shrink pores, tighten skin moisture It has a good effect on skin problems such as acne, acne, and allergies.

Physiological effects
Appetite, diuretic. Suppresses night sweats, relieves fever, improves diarrhea, cellulitis, and trauma.

Home use editor
As a raw material for perfumes, they are blended with Rama Lagerstroemia oil. Patchouli is a good fixative that enhances the woody flavor of perfumes.

Essential oil deployment
A group consisting of Lama crape myrtle and geranium, a group of lavender and horse clove, a group of sweet orange and Gaoyunshan, a group of summer mandarin and rosewood, in which patchouli essential oil is blended with each other.

Matching essential oils
Flowers, juniper seeds, bergamot, black pepper, rosewood, ginger, cheerful rat tail, rose, myrrh, lemongrass, mastic, pine, sandalwood, geranium, lavender, ylang
Add 5 drops of essential oil to the boiling water in the fumigation station to help kill insects.
take a shower
Add 3 drops of essential oil to the water in the bathtub, stir the oil and evenly disperse it in the water.
Add 5 drops of essential oil to 10ML base oil, massage gently to help skin, sterilize

Do not apply pure, undiluted oil to the skin. Low doses have a calming effect, but high doses have a stimulating effect
Magic Formula Editor
Improve skin
Problem skin: The regeneration of the massage is very strong, helps new cells, improves rough skin, acne, skin inflammation, Hong Kong feet, scalp fat leakage and eczema are effective.
Formula: Wheat germ oil 4ml, jojoba oil 16ml, patchouli essential oil 2 drops, lavender essential oil 5 drops, frankincense essential oil 3 drops.

Usage: Apply a well-tuned massage oil on rough skin and massage gently.
Eliminating acne
Acne does not allow the skin to be bright and clean, and quickly use professional oils to clear them all!
Formula: 1 drop of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of cedar essential oil, 10ml of jojoba oil.
Usage: Mix the essential oil with jojoba oil and apply it on the acne and facial scrub.
Soothes eczema
Can reduce all kinds of discomfort caused by eczema, and reduce the chance of occurrence.

Formula: 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of myrrh essential oil, 2 drops of geranium essential oil, 15 ml of sweet almond oil.
Usage: Reconcile essential oils with sweet almond oil and apply to long eczema.
Calm nerve
Incense, helpful to neurasthenia, strengthening the central nervous system, high dose stimulation, low dose stability, is the best essential oil balancing the central system.
Formula: 4 drops of patchouli essential oil, 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 3 drops of Vetiver essential oil.
Usage: Add all essential oils to incense lamps and incense when needed.
Incense, encouragement, inspiration, elimination of drowsiness and sober mind.
Can help boost emotions and make people feel energetic!
1. Formula: 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of geranium essential oil, 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil.
2. 2 drops of patchouli essential oil, 3 drops of bergamot essential oil and 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil.
Usage: Add all essential oils to incense lamps and incense when needed.
Bugs Bugs
Sprayed in every corner of the house, all kinds of mosquitoes will disappear because they do not like their smell.
Formula: 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil, 10 ml of medicinal alcohol, 20 ml of water.
Usage: Mix all essential oils with alcohol and water, put them in spray bottles, and spray them all over the room.

Dedicated to Hong Kong
Are there any problems with the feet of Hong Kong and there are foot odor problems? The use of essential oils to soak feet can also relieve foot pressure.
Formula: 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of clove oil, 10 ml of sweet almond oil.
(1) Mix essential oils and sweet almond oils for later use;
(2) Add the mixed oil to hot water with a water temperature of about 37-38°C, and put the feet into the water.

Precautions Edit
1, will not irritate the skin, it will not cause photosensitive reaction
2, low dose has a significant sedative effect, but high doses will instead cause irritation. It will cause people to lose their appetite, so it helps if dietary habits need to be corrected. Its taste may be irritating to some people, and it may even be annoying.


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