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  • 售價: $490
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Nutmeg oil helps to break down fats and starchy foods and promote appetite. Can give the heart vitality, promote blood circulation, but the effectiveness is strong, use caution, long-term use may over-stimulate the motor nerve (the third pair of brain nerves), leading to restlessness. The most serious situations can cause paralysis, convulsions, or even numbness, and can also overstimulate the heart and skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.

Intense spicy flavor, a bit like musk, it feels warm.
Appearance editing
The strong smell of nutmeg spilled over the tropics. They grow on strong evergreen trees. The height of the tree reaches 13.7 meters. A male tree can give pollen to 20

Female tree. Although native to Molucia Island, its trails also appear in Penang, Java, the West Indies and Sri Lanka.

Nutmeg looks like a small peach, varies in size, and even has a wide gap between shape and quality. Nutmeg oil is derived from the nucleolus of its seeds, and the outer shell of the fruit produces another essential oil, Mace (Macerata Dry Skin Oil), which is not readily available.

Chemical structure editing
Alcohols - borneol, geraniol, eucalyptol, terpineol
Phenols - eugenol, myristyl ether, safrole
Cigarette smoke - terpene, wormwood, pine oil

Power edit
Analgesic, anti-spasm, anti-emetic, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, heart-warming, flatulence, pass through, laxatives, benefit delivery, stimulation, stomach, body make-up.

Mind Editing
The vitality of the mind can also dispel the faint feelings and return to awake.

Body Effects Editor
The most important function in the digestive system, in particular, helps break down fats and starchy foods and promote appetite. It can also improve flatulence, nausea, periodic vomiting, bad breath and diarrhea. It can effectively prevent constipation and is an antibacterial agent for the intestines. It is said that it can also eliminate gallstones.

It is a tonic for the reproductive system, because it is very similar to estrogen in its nature, it regulates too little menstrual blood and relieves menstrual pain. Obstacles to sexuality are also helpful because of its aphrodisiac effect. In addition, it can strengthen the power of muscle contraction, so it is extremely helpful for production.

It is a warm essential oil. Massage is used to improve muscle pain, rheumatism, and especially for many years. It is said that it can also relieve the severe pain of neuralgia.
A very stimulating oil that gives the heart vitality and promotes blood circulation.

Skin Editing
Good for hair

Blending essential oils
Black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, clams, cypress, mastic, white rosin, lemon, lime, lemon balm, orange, patchouli, rosemary, tea tree.

Application History Editing
The history of using nutmeg is shorter than that of nutmeg, and many ancient civilizations value the dry skin of nutmeg. Indians use the nutmeg to treat the intestines, and the Egyptians used it to treat the bodies. It was also made into an Italian incense to protect against the plague, which contained laurel, cloves, juniper, myrrh, myrtle and rose. In the Middle Ages, it was a well-known prescription for the treatment of warts. People grind it up and reconcile it with lard and use it as an ointment. At the time, it was also considered as a strong stomach medicine.
Prior to 1605, the trade in spices was monopolized by the Portuguese, and then the Dutch took over, but when they were quite close to Molucia, they changed the ship and left. It was not until 1768 that nutmeg was introduced into other countries for use as a seasoning for food, as a component of beverages, and as a dental product. There are also nutmeg in perfumes and hair creams.
Precautions Edit
This essential oil is quite effective and should be used with caution. Long-term use may over-stimulate the motor nerve (third pair of brain nerves), leading to restlessness. The most serious situations can cause paralysis, convulsions, or even numbness, and can also overstimulate the heart and skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.