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  • 售價: $1,570
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Myrrh essential oil is known as "protective god of reproductive organs". It can be sterilized and disinfected. It can inhibit inflammation of the skin, and it is effective in treating eczemas on the face. It can nourish chapped and frostbite skin and is effective for wrinkles. One of the basic essences of making perfumes can make people feel warm and pleasant. Strengthen the vitality of the brain, restore the vitality of the body and mind, sober mind. Pregnant women avoid using it, and most people can not use it at high doses.

There are two textures:
1. The essential oil extracted by distillation is light yellow to amber in color.
2. The color of the resin oil extracted by solvent extraction is dark red.
Aromatic Odor Editor
Has the characteristic thick smoke flavor and bitter taste of gum

Main function edit
Treatment of wounds, dermatitis is very effective, and it is helpful for bronchitis, cough, bacterial infections, and fungal infections.
Skin efficacy
Sterilization, strong disinfection, and can inhibit the inflammation of the skin, so the efficacy of anti-eczema on the face. A few drops of myrrh essential oil can be dripped in the hot water of the foot bath to achieve the purpose of activating the meridian of the blood circulation, and to achieve the effect of removing beriberi and foot odor.

Physiological efficacy
Shujinhuoxue, expectorant pain, myogenic and other effects;
With anti-fungal function, improve Candida-induced vaginitis;
It also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Myrrh in the treatment of gums is very beneficial and can quickly cure mouth ulcers or gum problems.
Myrrh and frankincense have the same effect and can treat thoracic infections, mucositis, chronic bronchitis, colds and sore throats;
Myrrh is still a good lung disinfectant and it can also treat diarrhea.

Psychological effect
Strengthen the vitality of the brain, restore physical and mental vitality, sober mind.
With oil editing
Benzoin, Clove, Frankincense, White Rosin, Lavender, Patchouli, Sandalwood

Magic Formula Editor
1, to improve the skin: smear, anti-fungal function, inhibition of skin inflammation, on the face of eczema, curative effect, moisten dry skin, effective wrinkles.
Emulsion 50ml + myrrh 4 drops + frankincense 4 drops + lavender 2 drops
2, female care: bath, improve vaginal infections, treatment of vaginitis.
Myrrh 2 drops + Geranium 3 drops + Chamomile 3 drops
3, respiratory tract infections:
Myrrh 1 drop + Eucalyptus 2 drops + thyme 2 drops
Precautions Edit
1, generally can not be taken orally, unless the label can be oral or medical practitioners instructions, avoid using the photosensitive class (bergamot, lemon, orange) in the first few months of pregnancy do not use the sun within 8 hours after use.
2. Hypertension, rickets, nerves, and kidney disease are used strictly according to the instructions of the medical practitioner.
3, according to the amount of use, especially Yilan, sage overdose will cause drowsiness, avoid drinking after driving. Must be diluted for use unless otherwise noted.
4. Sealed and stored in dark glass bottles to avoid sunlight and avoid contact with children. Do not use it for children. Use it strictly according to the instructions of the medical practitioner.
5, Sensitive skin and physical, sensitive testing must be done first, different brands can not be mixed.
6, is through the drug, to avoid use during pregnancy.