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  • 售價: $720
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Marigold essential oil is extracted from marigold. Marigold is known as Khakibush in Africa. It is commonly found under Indigenous huts to drive flocks of flies. It is also planted between tomatoes, potatoes and roses to prevent the growth of flowers and fruit from becoming a small nematode meal. All this shows that marigold should be an effective insecticide. It is also made into an ointment used to kill destructive warts in the wound. Its roots and seeds have a laxative effect, which may be used to help the body detoxify.

Nicotine-like limonene, ocimene
Application History Editing
At the beginning of this century, after the end of the Boer War, the Australian army brought this plant back to North Africa where it was originally produced. As a result, marigolds also immediately grew there and flourished. Marigold is widely used in French perfumes.
Main function edit
Anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-mite, promote cell regeneration, soft skin, mold, insecticide, lower blood pressure, calm.
Mind Editing
Clarify your thoughts, relieve tension, and make people more able to control their emotions.
Body Effects Editor
1. The well-known anti-microbial effect of marigold is extremely valuable in preventing mosquitoes. It can also prevent wound infection by bacteria.
2. Infectious diseases that are effective against the ears are said to enhance hearing. The general role is to make the senses sensitive.
3, seems to be particularly compatible with the respiratory system. Expandable bronchus to facilitate the flow of mucus, clear the obstruction phenomenon, can also reduce the cough discomfort.
4, obviously relieve pain and sprain, fatigue. Its calming effect also helps reduce high blood pressure.
Skin Editing
Marigold is a very useful oil for the skin, it can deal with bacterial or viral infections, especially the purulent condition. Its ability to heal wounds and cuts is presumably due to its ability to reduce inflammation and to remove signs of fungal infection.
Blending essential oils
Chamomile, coriander, frankincense, geranium, lavender, lemon, linden, orange, sandalwood, mandarin, tea, ylang.