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  • 售價: $200
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Lemongrass essential oil, this strong but lovely oil, is extracted from two kinds of artificially cultivated fresh tender grasses, and wild species are expensive to collect. Native to India, it also grows in other tropical regions, such as Brazil, the West Indies, Sri Lanka and China, and only grows to a height of 91 cm.

Section name:Gramineae
Plant Type: Grass
Traits: The more common is yellow-brown, also red, lemony and
Property: Yang
Main origins: West Indies and India
Chemical structure editing
Alcohols - Gardenia, geraniol, nerol
Lemongrass essential oil
Aldehydes-Citral and Citronellal
Smoke - Limonene, Myricene
Aromatic Odor Editor
Strong scent, sweet, lemony mixed with earthy aftertaste.
Main function edit
Disinfecting and refreshing
For skin disinfection, to solve facial problems, soft and tight muscles, restore elasticity; with boosting spirit, eliminate fatigue;
Help digestion, fever, pain relief, sterilization, deodorization, insect repellent.

Skin care
Suitable for oily and combination skin, regulate oil secretion, shrink pores;
Large pores, acne, oily skin, and fungal infections are effective.
Excellent cooling and deodorant can reduce the feet of Hong Kong. Massage can reconcile the heart and help the digestive system.

Psychological effect
Relieving headaches, stimulating, reviving, and producing energy are helpful for the exhausted state and boost the spirit.

Physiological efficacy
With sterilization, deodorization, insect repellent effect, application to treat head lice, Hong Kong feet, body odor and other issues;
Also used to treat gastro-intestinal diseases such as gastroenteritis, colitis, etc. to eliminate flatulence.
Add in massage oil or bath water, a slimming effect.

Physical effect
The role of rejuvenation makes it an all-round tonic for the body. It stimulates parasympathetic nerves, and parasympathetic nerves help the body to heal, promote glandular secretion, and stimulate the muscles of the digestive system.
Match essential oils
Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Orange Blossom, Melaleuca, Clove, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Poria, Yarrow, Rose Grass, etc.

Practical recipe editing
1, muscle massage: relieve muscle soreness and pain, loose muscles restore elasticity.
Sweet almond oil 20 ml + lemongrass 3 drops + rosemary 4 drops + 3 drops
2, skin care: smear on the affected area massage.
Base oil 10ml + Lemongrass 6 drops
3, respiratory infections: incense, strong antibacterial and bactericidal power to prevent influenza.
Lemongrass 3 drops + eucalyptus 3 drops + pine 2 drops
4, fresh air: incense, people feel fresh, boost the spirit.
Lemongrass 3 drops + basil 3 drops + orange 2 drops
5, spray: clean, deworming, prevent air pollution sources.
Pure water 100ml + lemongrass 10ml + clove 10ml + cinnamon 10ml

Application History and Related Myths
Popular in India, the application history has been for hundreds of years, the local name is Choomana poolu, which means its red stems. It is considered to help fever, improve infectious diseases and inhibit tumor growth.
The main supplier before World War II was India, where the production of lemongrass gradually shifted to the West Indies. At present, the better-quality essential oils are also produced in the region. The species of East India is C.Flexuosus, the species of West India is C.Citratus, and the United States also produces lemongrass oil with excellent quality. Exposure to air and light can reduce the citral content of essential oils, and citral is a valuable ingredient for cosmetics, fragrances, cleansers, and toilet soaps.

Use knowledge to edit
Strong irritant, should be diluted to a lower concentration, allergic skin with caution.