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  • 售價: $145
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White eucalyptus oil can be considered as a balance of essential oils. It can soothe the state of fine meridians, especially those that are numb due to frustration, and thus contributes to the healing state of the mind. It is obviously beneficial to mind and body. disease.

Camphor (35%-50%), a-pinene, benzyl, phelletrene, terpineol, geraniol acetate, isovaleraldehyde, citronellal and piperonone.
Efficacy: Analgesic, anti-depressant, antibacterial, anti-spasmodic, heart-friendly, flatulence, diuretic, fever, high blood pressure, insecticide, laxative, warm skin, stimulation, sweating, insect repellent, and wound healing.

Basic function editing
Anti-corrosion, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, antiseptic, phlegm, cough, excitement cycle, sweating, repellent.
Physiological effects Bronchitis, cold, cough, fever, tissue inflammation, mosquito bites, back pain, muscle aches, rheumatism, sprains, contusions.

Physiological effect
Emotional effects Depression, depression, physical and mental fatigue, stress-induced physical symptoms, low self-esteem, shyness.

Physical Efficacy Inspires the heart, breathing and circulation functions, improves hypotension, purifies congested lungs, and makes breathing easier. It is often used as an inhaler.

Physical effect
It can help anybody with a cold condition. Eucalyptus oil is available from common germs to severe pneumonia. Its role in balance can also be used in the event of inflammation. Eucalyptus oil balances the body and can be used to warm up or cool down as needed.

The role of the digestive tract is to calm and appease, whether it is good for constipation or diarrhea, but also help gastrointestinal inflammation. Can affect the urinary system, help smooth urination, but also reduce the sexual organs stimulated discomfort.
It is good for stiff muscles and is especially useful during exercise. Also used to relieve rheumatism pain. In the past, it was used to treat more serious diseases such as cholera, pneumonia and tuberculosis. In general, it is beneficial to alleviate the condition of infectious diseases.

The skin effect produces a cooling effect on the skin, which can reduce the inflammation. It is especially suitable for oily skin, treating acne, burns and ulcers. The use of eucalyptus essential oils for bruising and sprains with the smelting method usually works.
Skin efficacy
With essential oils Basil, white dry layer, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm.
Use experience editing
a. Skin Care: Acne, Oily Clogged Skin, General Skin Care
b. Circulatory system: edema, muscle fatigue, numbness of limbs, spinal problems
c. Immune System: Sneezing, Cold, Flu, Cough, Fever
d. Nervous system: depression, headaches, weak spirits, long-term stress
Save method edit
1. Pure essential oils are packed in dark glass bottles and stored in a cool, dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
2. Unopened pure essential oils can be stored for 3 years and should be used as soon as possible after opening.

Precautions Edit
1, undiluted pure essential oil can not be directly applied to the skin.
2, the fine molecular penetration of essential oils, the number of drops when dripping essential oils do not exceed 6 drops, for those who are sensitive to essential oils, please first increase the number of drops from 1 drop.
3, sensitive skin, before using the wrist inside the test, no stimulation and then use.
4, use this product, please avoid the wound, ulceration and abnormal skin parts.
5, pregnant women, lactating women, epilepsy patients and patients with convulsions to avoid use.
6. If skin abnormalities occur during use, stop using it immediately and consult a dermatologist
7, a strong essential oil, very stimulating, excessive dose will lead to convulsions and vomiting