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  • 售價: $550
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Chinese name: red peony oil
* Scientific name: Chamaecypas formosensis Matsum.
*Extraction site: wooden heart
* Color: Golden Yellow with Reddish Orange
*Scent: A mixed smell of pungent peppermint, camphor, lemon, carpet, citronella, and lilac.
* Flavor continuity: high thick, low volatilization

Efficacy: such as eliminating insomnia, headaches, anxiety, helping respiratory organs and lung function, improving blood circulation and heart vitality, reducing hypertension and preventing arteriosclerosis, promoting the metabolism of body cells, active metabolism and longevity.

Eucalyptus essential oil has medical efficacy for humans and was recorded as early as 3000 BC. In ancient Egypt, perfumes and vegetable oils were indispensable items in the ceremony. The leaves, flowers, and trunks of eucalyptus wood and cypress cypress contain natural ingredients such as linalool, lodine, and phytoferrin, which have the effect of calming autonomic nerves, anti-inflammatory, tuberculosis, and diuretic disinfection. Therefore, they are commonly used in cosmetics in Japan. And pharmaceutical industry.

Other answers
1 Settle your mind and promote sleep. Can be dripped into water and fumigated with a ladle.
2 relieve pain. Hot compresses can relieve leg cramps, and cold compresses can slow down or suppress swelling and pain caused by strained bones.
3 beauty. Massage after application can moisturize the skin and smoothen skin wrinkles.
4 Prevent colds and improve cold symptoms. Apply essential oils to your chest and neck.
5 can antibacterial, slow or remove the odor in the air. Drop the essential oil into a watering can with water and shake it evenly to spray it. This will make the air fresh and mellow.

Red peony essential oil efficacy and use:
A. Insomnia: Dropping two drops of eucalyptus oil on both sides of the pillow can help sleep
B. Headache: Take two drops of eucalyptus essential oil to wipe the index finger and middle finger of both hands, and massage the head temple for three to five minutes with a circular massage.
C. Anxiety: Take a paper mask, and drop two drops of essential oil on it, and savor the aroma until there is no fragrance.
D. To help the respiratory organs: Take a paper mask, add six drops of essential oils, and savor the fragrance until there is no fragrance. Or massage 10-20 times in the direction of the back of the chest with the base oil reconcile 1:2 concentration.
E、Lung function: Take a paper mask, drop six drops of essential oil on it, and aspirate it until there is no fragrance. Or massage 10-20 times in the direction of the back of the chest with the base oil reconcile 1:2 concentration.
F, increase blood circulation: and the base oil to reconcile the concentration of 1:10, after bathing to make a full-body massage, one or two to three times.
G. Cardiac Vitality: The concentration of base oil is 1:10. After bathing, a full-body massage is performed for one to two to three sessions.
H. Reducing high blood pressure: Blend with base oil at a concentration of 1:10. Massage after bathing for one to two to three times.
I. Physiological Care Disinfectants, Trichomonas vaginalis, Molds, Preventing pruritus, and Infection Remedy: Take 10 to 20 drops of essential oil in a bath, bath for 30 minutes
J. Drop it in a small container (such as a small wooden bottle, a small dish) and let it volatilize naturally. You can breathe to improve the aroma of the room.