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  • 售價: $530
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金



Black pepper plants originated in India, Malaysia, Madagascar (African islands), China and Indonesia. Essential oils are extracted mainly in Singapore, India and Malaysia. Black pepper was originally a tropical plant. This climbing woody plant can grow to about 6m in height using trees or other supports. Artificially cultivated (or commercially used) plants are generally kept at a height of 4m and the economic life span is about 20 years.

Chemical structure editing
Phenols - eugenol, myristyl ether, safrole
Cigarette smoke - myrrh tobacco, terpene, linolectene, limonene, myricene, water fennel, pine oil, terpene, cineole, terpenes
1/2-fold - lilac fumes
Aromatic Odor Editor
With a unique aroma of pepper, the flavor is mellow, natural and fresh.

Functional editing
Psychological effect
Make your mind fresh
Black pepper essential oil
Rejuvenate, especially for frightened situations.

Physical effect
The most important use of black pepper essential oil is to help the immune system to resist infectious diseases, instigating white blood cells to form a protective line to fight invading organisms, and shorten the time of rickets, a powerful antibacterial essential oil.

Skin efficacy
Excellent purifying effect, improving the suppuration of wound infections, and paralysis. Remove acne and dirty parts caused by chickenpox and shingles. It can be used for burns, sores, sunburns, blemishes, warts, psoriasis, herpes and Hong Kong feet. It also treats dry scalp and dandruff.

With oil editing
Basil, Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang
Magic Formula Editor
1. Respiratory tract infections: Bathing, driving cold, treating influenza, good fever.
Black pepper 2 drops + benzoin 3 drops + cedar 3 drops
2, assisted digestion: abdominal massage, stimulate gastrointestinal motility, ease stomach cramps.
Sweet Almond Oil 20ml + Black Pepper 4 Drops + Benzoin 2 Drops + Marjoram 4 Drops
3, diuretic: bath, treatment of urination is a burning sensation.
Black pepper 3 drops + fennel 2 drops + parsley 2 drops
4, blood system: improve anemia.
Sweet almond oil 20ml + black pepper 2 drops + geranium 4 drops + marjoram 4 drops
5, Muscular system: massage, improve muscle soreness and muscle stiffness problems.
Sweet Almond Oil 20ml + Black Pepper 3 Drops + Poria 3 Drops + Lavender 4 Drops

Precautions Edit
Excessively frequent or excessive use can overstimulate the kidneys, and it can also irritate the skin.