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  • 售價: $360
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The dill seed oil (scientific name: Anethum graveolens, English: dill), also known as the sea fennel, is the only plant in the genus Dycamore, which is an annual herbaceous plant native to southern Europe; northeast China, Gansu, Guangdong, and Guangxi Other cultivation. The etymology comes from Scandinavian dilla, meaning "sedation," "relaxation," and "consolation," so dill itself has a sedative effect in alleviating pain. In the spiritual treatment of aromatherapy, dill essential oils can free people from emotional shocks and use them well when there are major decisions. For the body, it helps in the treatment of the digestive system, such as relieving constipation, eliminating flatulence and snoring. It can promote the healing of skin wounds.

Second, dill Essential oil extraction method: dill essential oil is mainly the whole plant (fresh or partially dried) or seeds as raw materials, extracted by steam distillation. The

III. Dill Essential oil properties: Dill essential oil has the taste of green grass, yellowish color, water viscosity

Fourth, dill Ingredients: Anisidine, eugenol, limonene, terpinene and myristicin and so on. The

5. Dill The main purpose: The fruit can be used to extract aromatic oil, which is used as a raw material for blending essences. It can be used as a substitute for fennel. If fruit is used as a medicine, it can drive the wind, stomach, sputum, and prolactin. Anti-spasm, expectoration, flatulence, digestion, disinfection, promote lactation, midwifery, sedation, benefit the stomach, promote sweating, help sleep, prevent arteriosclerosis! The

Sixth, dill essential oil's function and effect:
1, skin efficacy
Promote wound healing

2, spiritual efficacy
It can come in handy after being frightened and extremely nervous, especially when you are overwhelmed, it helps to get out of the shadow of the soul and bring a light feeling.

3, the body effect
Dill essential oil helps the digestive abnormality of adults, reduces the problems of flatulence and constipation, and has a considerable effect on the fermentation of the stomach. Therefore, it can solve the problem of bad breath. With the characteristics of resistance to warts, you can stop it. Seven, the use of dill essential oils: dill essential oils can calm and calm nerves, beneficial to adult digestive problems, but also can cure wounds.

1, do compound massage oil or diluted in a bath
It can play a major role in promoting peace and slow digestion, eliminating flatulence, constipation and snoring.

2. Adding ingredients for face cream and body lotion
When used in creams and moisturizers, it is very effective for treating wounds. The

3 incense burner and evaporator incense
Dill essential oils can treat nervous tension, suffocation and digestive diseases in steam therapy, especially when depressed and abnormally stressful.

Eight, can be matched with the essential oils:
Geranium essential oil, orange essential oil, essential oils of peony, orange essential oil, bergamot essential oil, eucalyptus oil, cypress oil, petitgrain essential oil, rosemary essential oil.

The Essential Oils List reminds you that dill and dill essential oils were once given birth during childbirth, so they should be avoided during pregnancy. The