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  • 售價: $260
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Lime's essential oils' astringent, conditioning and refreshing properties can purify oily skin and are said to stop bleeding from cuts and general injuries.
With the cold, sore throat, and fever of influenza, you can use Lime oil to reduce body temperature. Relieve cough, chest congestion, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and sinusitis. It is a tonic for the immune system. It reduces the chance of infection, shortens the post-illness condition, and quickly regains energy.
Like most citrus essential oils, Lyme stimulates the digestive system. Can help anorexia patients, because it can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, and then make the appetite.
It is said that some of the symptoms of alcoholism can be treated, perhaps because it has the effect of purifying and rejuvenating. Helps with rheumatic pain, which is well known.
Exposure to strong sunlight after use may cause the skin to be sensitive to light and it may also irritate sensitive skin.

It is now planted in many warm countries such as Italy, Mexico, the West Indies and the Americas. It looks like lemon, but its color is yellow and its shape is round. Although the variety of Lyme is wide, its diameter is generally 5 cm. The lime oil obtained from the pressing is much lighter than the lemon essential oil, and the smell is obviously sweeter, belonging to the citrus essential oil.

Odor editor
Very strong, both bitter and sweet.
Volatility: Allegro
Chemical structure editing
Alcohols - Eucalyptol, Terpineol
Aldehydes - Furfural
Lactones - Cilanolactone
Cigarettes - limonene, pine oil, terpene, Terpinoline

Application History Editing
It is apparent that the Moors brought Lyme to Europe. In the 16th century, they were brought to the Americas by Spanish and Portuguese explorers. At that time, the vessel carrying Lyme was called the “Lyme Juice Machine” because the crew all depended on Lyme. Prevent scurvy. The disease is caused by a state of weakness caused by incomplete nutrition. Lyme has since become a good source of vitamin C.

Today's fruit juice and fruit industry originates from the 19th century West Indies, and Lyme oil has been used to condition ginger juice and cola drinks. In the perfume industry, you can also find sweet lime oil, which smells like bergamot essential oil.

Power edit
Anti-scurvy, antibacterial, anti-viral, appetite, astringent, bactericidal, disinfectant, fever, hemostasis, insecticide, rehabilitation, and health.

Mind Editing
Be animated, especially when you feel inactive, anxious, and frustrated, refresh your tired mind.

Body Effects Editor
With the cold, sore throat, and fever of influenza, you can use Lime oil to reduce body temperature. Relieve cough, chest congestion, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and sinusitis. It is a tonic for the immune system. It reduces the chance of infection, shortens the post-illness condition, and quickly regains energy.

Like most citrus essential oils, Lyme stimulates the digestive system. Can help anorexia patients, because it can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, and then make the appetite.

It is said that some of the symptoms of alcoholism can be treated, perhaps because it has the effect of purifying and rejuvenating. Helps with rheumatic pain, which is well known.

Skin Editing
Lyme's astringent, conditioning and refreshing functions can purify oily skin and it is said to stop bleeding from cuts and general trauma.

Suitable for blending essential oils
European white peony, bergamot, geranium Bodhi, lavender, orange blossom, nutmeg, rose grass, rose, violet, ylang.

Extraction method
Subcritical cryogenic extraction of Lyme oil.

The use of cold pressed lime oil, exposed to strong sunlight, may cause the skin to be sensitive to light and may also stimulate sensitive skin. If it is steamed lime oil, it will not have this problem.