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  • 售價: $2,320
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金



Spearmint oil, the English name Nardostachysjatamansi, is extracted from the plant, also known as "false" Indian yarrow root. Has a mild, misty, dark odor, yellowish color, and medium viscosity. It is a fragile aromatic herb with fragrant rhizomes native to the northern Indian mountains, China and Japan.

It is one of the first ancient Egyptians to use herbs. It is recorded in both the Bible and Solomon's carols. Among them, in the book of John, Mary used the oil of the pine nuts to spread the feet of Jesus. The lady uses it for the preparation of perfumes and fragrances.
Extraction method editing
Gansong essential oil is dried crushed rhizome as raw material. It is extracted by steam distillation and the oil yield is between 1 and 3%.

Therapeutic efficacy
Gansong oil is effective in relieving tension, stress, migraines, indigestion and insomnia. Has the effect of rejuvenation, especially for aging skin, can help treat allergies, skin infections and rashes.

How to use
1 Steam Treatment or Dilution in a Bath Use in steam therapy or diluted in a bath, the nardial oil helps relieve tension and stress and treat insomnia.
2 Do the ingredients of the compound massage oil and do the ingredients of the compound massage oil. The nard oil helps to treat tension, stress, migraine and insomnia

Use caution to edit
At the moment, no adverse reactions have been found for the essential oils of Gansong, but care must be taken when mixing with other essential oils.