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  • 售價: $460
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Long Ai essential oil, in general, has a purifying effect. Helps with chronic or cyclical problems due to its urinary properties, detoxification of the kidneys, dysuria, and uric acid accumulation, in other words, prevention of arthritis.
It can also soothe rheumatism and neuralgia.
When you feel vulnerable, powerless or furious, Longue can effectively calm your digestive system.
Help appetizers, control nausea, suffocation and snoring, have a certain effect.
With laxative effect, can promote the secretion of bile to facilitate the digestion of fat.
The problem of the reproductive system is quite effective. It can regulate irregular periods, soothe the menstrual pain, and it may also help to improve the symptoms of infertility.

Latin name: (Alstonia) Artemisiadracunculus
Family name: Compositae
Plant Type: Herbs
Extraction site: flowering top
Extraction method: distillation
Volatile: fast
Dominate the planet: Mars
Odor editor
Herbal flavor, similar to the foreign fennel, with spices.

Appearance editing
Longyai grows best beside rivers and streams. Its wooden stems can grow to a height of 90 cm. Olive green leaves are narrow and long. They grow thickly and densely. There is a large clump of flowers. The tiny flowers are white or gray. . Although originating in the Middle East, for a while, its essential oils came from Russia, but recently, Russia's Longai has been replaced by France's Longai because of its better quality.

Chemical structure editing
Phenols-methyl phyllophyll
Terpenes--ocimene, anisidine

Application History and Related Myths Editing
Tarragon, also known as Estragon, was brought into Spain by the Conqueror Moors, while the British began to become familiar with Long Ai in the 16th century. Its English popular name Tarragon is derived from Arabic Tharkhoum, and its Latin name, Dracunculus, means "Dragon," perhaps because its root is named after a dragon. In any case, Longi is useful for snake bites or rabies wounds.

There is a myth that Longi’s Latin name derives from the goddess of hunting and fertility. The goddess is named Artemisia, and the name of Ronai is exactly the same as her name. It is a very popular and salt-free conditioning meal. Long Ai is rich in vitamins A and C. In the past, it was used to treat scurvy. Its roots can be used for toothache and have been used to remove cancer cells.
It also has a place in French perfumes.

Power edit
Anti-rheumatic, antibacterial, anti-mite, appetizing, flatulence, digestive, diuretic, pass through, lax, stimulate, stomach, worm drive.

Mind Editing
Let people start again, say goodbye to numbness and tiredness, and ignite power to move forward.

Body Effects Editor
In general, it has a purifying effect. Helps with chronic or cyclical problems due to its urinary properties, detoxification of the kidneys, dysuria, and uric acid accumulation, in other words, prevention of arthritis. It can also soothe rheumatism and neuralgia.

When you feel vulnerable, powerless or furious, Longue can effectively calm your digestive system. Help appetizers, control nausea, suffocation and snoring, have a certain effect. With laxative effect, can promote the secretion of bile to facilitate the digestion of fat.
The problem of the reproductive system is quite effective. It can regulate irregular periods, soothe the menstrual pain, and it may also help to improve the symptoms of infertility.

Skin Editing
Dealing with the flow of soup wounds can come in handy.

【Essential oils suitable for reconciliation】
European white peony, carrot seeds, chamomile, clary sage, alfalfa, juniper, lavender, lime, pine, tangerine, rosewood, verbena.