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Birch, Sweet Betula lenta

Birches are the nobility of the tree: they are so sculpted in white bark maxi skirts; they stand tall with high chests and gracefully hang the branches to the soft ground. When the gusts blow, the pliant branches will fly in the air like hair. The small diamond-shaped leaves of the birch are filled with the tender green symbolizing spring. Because of this, they became an integral part of the Mayflower style.

When autumn arrives, the birch dresses up with the seasons and wears an elegant, sparkling gold leaf skirt. Unfortunately, birch is not cute for allergies.

Because in April and May, when the catkins of birch bloom, the spring breeze will blow the pollen on the petals of the male in the entire earth. At this time, the streets and squares with birch trees are covered with yellow powdered sugar. Unlike its sister tree, the swamp birch, it can grow in arid regions.

As a result, they first survived on bare ground—it was an entrepreneurial feat. Similarly, after the end of the glacial period and the melting of icebergs, birch trees became one of the first trees to settle on the revival.

Alias: Broom birch, spring tree, weeping birch, May tree, kidney tree, thick birch, sand birch, birch, birch
Latin name: Betula pendula Roth
Section: Birch Branch

place of origin
Central and Northern Europe, Southern Europe only in mountainous areas

Leaves: flavonoids, essential oils, bitter substances, tannins, saponins, vitamin C

Birch Liquid: Inverted syrups, organic acids, salts, proteins, auxins

Birch Bark: Betulin ("Birch Camphor"), phytosterols, tannins, bitters, essential oils, resins

Odor: sweet, spicy, cool, like a holly chewing gum

Attributes: Anti-inflammatory, rheumatism, high blood pressure, muscle soreness, strain, edema

Taboo: Do not overuse. Excessive use may be toxic, may cause skin irritation without proper dilution

Birch BIRCH [essence]

[history record]

In the movie plot of the Western exorcism, the crosses made by birch trees are often used; and the main ingredient of birch, methyl salicylate, is the main component of aspirin, so birch is also often used for rheumatism. Gout for pain relief and sterilization. The spirit can be invigorated spiritually; in detoxification birch city has a lymphatic detoxification, purification of functional essential oils; kidney disease, especially stones and urinary protein has a therapeutic effect; cellulite effect in weight loss is also good, It can help remove acne and treat skin ulcers.

[Use information]

The concentration should not be too high, especially when massaged.


Excessive uric acid, kidney detoxification, kidney stones, diuresis, cystitis, muscle aches, arthritis,

Rheumatism, anti-cellulitis, acne, eczema, cramps, motivational mood, detoxification.

Birch oil can be used as skin care, antibacterial, refreshing, balancing oils, soothing functions, and activating scalp.

For arthritis, gout can be improved, it can also eliminate the toxic and eliminate edema.


Birch tree. Used parts: Leaves. Tradition and history. Also known as alder, it has been considered a symbol of "rejuvenation" since ancient times.

Most of it grows in the colder parts of the northern hemisphere. It is about 60 feet tall. ... The birch branches hang down and the bark is easily peeled off.


Suitable for cultivation in Europe and North America, like to hide in the sun and sandy geology of the forest.

The main components of the extract are keratin, vitamin C, prunedronone, lime, tannic acid, triclofen, sodium, and phosphorus.

Birch trees are divided into birch and black birch, and white birch is used to extract essential oils.

High volatility, refreshing, similar to the "safflower oil" kind of taste.

English and Latin name: Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)

Physiological surface:
Due to the rich methyl salicylic acid, nerve compression caused by muscle joint pain, slight disc herniation,
The pain and inconvenience caused by poor blood circulation between the spine can be relieved by massage.
It stimulates perspiration, diuresis, and swelling, and is an excellent supplement to promote lymph circulation in the body.
For headaches, abdominal pain, muscle aches, muscle aches and pains can also be applied to local massage, can achieve relief.

Contains Vitamin C, Sodium and Phosphorus, has a role in promoting blood circulation, astringency, and anti-infection, and requires low concentrations when in contact with skin.